Ballinrobe Holistic Care
Baby Massage Ballinrobe
doTERRA Wellness advocate
Systematic Kinesiology
and so much more

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, non invasive holistic therapy, based on the principle that there are reflexes on the feet and hands, which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body.
During and after a reflexology treatment, the body begins progressively clearing blockages, re-establishing energy flows and balancing itself, resulting in better health. I am delighted to offering Reflexology in Ballinrobe. Please contact me on 087 7764380 to book your Reflexology appointment.

The word kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) derives from the Greek word kineses meaning “movement”
Kinesiology is unique in that it addresses and balances the four aspects of the whole persons wellbeing simultaneously:
1 - the chemical (nutrition)
2 - the physical (location of pain)
3 - the mental (emotional state)
4 - the energetic (Meridians)
All 4 are assessed to uncover and treat the root cause as symptoms are only a sign or clue that there’s an underlying imbalance which the body wants you to pay attention to.
In kinesiology there is a saying “where it is, it isn’t” because often the root of the problem is in a completely different area where you’re experiencing the symptoms, which can make it difficult to know how to treat.
This is why Systematic Kinesiology uses Muscle testing to try and understand what the body is telling us. Systematic Kinesiology takes away the guesswork, allowing us to get to the root cause wherever it may be hidden, so the body can return to a state of Balance (homeostasis).
As a Systematic Kinesiologist I can act like translators between you and your body. Using the muscle testing techniques together we can find and correct any imbalances using a range of techniques including nutritional therapy using natural supplements, lymphatic massage, emotional work and energetic balancing.
If this is something that intrigues you, please get in touch with Ballinrobe Holistic Care on 087 7764380

5 week blocks of classes
Infant massage is a wonderful experience shared between you and your baby. It provides numerous physical, psychological, and emotional benefits for babies and the families who care for them.
Infant massage encourages bonding through eye-to-eye contact, smiling, soothing vocal sounds, loving touch, caressing and mutual interaction. Studies show that bonding increases a parent’s feeling of attachment as well as their desire to nurture and care for their infant.
I am a registered member of the Irish Chapter of the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) and a member of Baby Massage Ireland (IAIM Ireland). This registration means that depending on if your Health Insurance covers Baby Massage Classes you may be entitled to Claim €100 back from your course fee.
Themed Classes:
I regularly host Baby Massage themed classes for Halloween, Christmas, Easter etc for my Graduates together again.
I am delighted to be offering Baby Massage classes in Ballinrobe, please contact me on 087 7764380.
Check out Baby Massage Ballinrobe on Instagram, or Ballinrobe Holistic Care on Instagram or Facebook to find out when my next 5 week set of baby massage classes are on.
You can also visit:

I am a doTERRA wellness advocate based in the west of Ireland. I hope to bring the use of essential oils and natural solutions (rather than chemical) to many homes in the west of Ireland.
Follow my Instagram page Ireland west doTERRA for more info. I regularly host Zooms and workshops in my clinic about the use of doTERRA essential oils. I am also trained in the doTERRA AromaTouch Technique®. This is the application of essential oils to the back and feet.
I am delighted to share doTERRA to the west of Ireland and my hometown of Ballinrobe
If this sounds like something you would be interested in. Please contact me on 087 7764380.

Indian head massage is part of the ancient ayurvedic healing system. It involves working acupressure points on the scalp, face, neck and shoulders to open up energy channels, balance organs, systems and chakras. The aim is to help relieve tension and stress in the body.
Indian head massage treatment starts with the face, the scalp, the shoulder and then upper back area. This massage is completed with an oil that holds some amazing skin benefits including vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids which help seals moisture into the hair shaft, giving strength and shine.
I am delighted to be offering Indian head massage in Ballinrobe. Please get in touch to Book your appointment.

In 2022 I completed a Root cause practitioner programme with The Healing Point.
Through this training I can help assist you to delve deeper into the root cause of illness, pain and dis-ease you are experiencing in your body. I have a great interest in the metaphysical and spiritual concepts as well as physical elements of illness, pain and dis-ease. Ultimately this understanding permits for a deeper level of healing.
If this is something that interests you and you would like to explore more, please get in touch.

I am currently completing my Diploma in Bioenergy. I will be qualified in April 2025.

Primitive reflexes are involuntary actions of infants such as the
Palmar grasp, Plantar reflex, Sucking, rooting, Galant, and Moro (startle) reflexes.
As a child grows these reflexes should disappear and integrate with brain development.
However if a primitive reflex or reflexes are retained this can lead to a child / adult that will struggle with both motor and cognitive skills.
This can mean difficulty with motor skills such as running, cycling, throwing, or catching a ball. For these children, even rolling, bringing their hands together, or bringing their hands to their mouth can be awkward.
I have completed Advanced Training in Systematic Kinesiology on the retention and correction of Primitive reflexes.
If this is something of interest to you or to a little one in your life. Get in touch by messaging Ballinrobe Holistic Care on 087 7764380

Are you unsure about the Milk your baby is on?
Does your baby have digestive issues (these can range from Reflux, Indigestion, loose no2’s or constipation).
These issues could be due to the type of milk your baby is on. Through muscle testing together we can see which milk (I have a 29 samples in my clinic) weaken or strengthen your babies digestive system muscles.
This is a quicker method to see which type suits your baby compared to giving your baby each milk for 3-4 weeks and waiting to see if symptoms improve.
If this of interest to you please book in below
If you would like to know more message me on 0877764380 or contact me on Instagram as Ballinrobe Holistic Care

Bach Flower Remedies
We are more than just the physical; we are energetic beings with energy pathways running through us called Meridians, energy systems in our bodies are called Chakras, and energy fields that extend beyond our physical bodies called Auras.
Discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930’s – a medical doctor and homeopath. He understood how the physical and emotional bodies were connected. Dr Bach abandoned his Medical career to seek a natural solution to healing, which led to the creation of 38 remedies that harnessed the power of nature.
The remedies work on the energetic field of the body, with each remedy used to rebalance different thoughts, emotions or feelings. A popularly known remedy is the Bach Crisis Remedy known as Trademarked as “Rescue Remedy”
Some of the 38 remedies are:
STAR OF BETHLEHEM - a remedy used for times of distress; shock (including traumatic birth) or grief or loss.
MIMULUS - a remedy to help ease fear of a known fear, such as being afraid of the dark, of a car accidents, of being alone.
ASPEN - a remedy to help ease fear of a unknown fear, worrying and not know the cause of the worry
LARCH - a remedy to helps boost confidence - for those ‘who expect they they will fail’.
WALNUT - a remedy to help adjust to change (changing jobs, moving home, children changing minders or schools Etc)
ELM - a remedy for those who feel overwhELMed.
There are 32 other remedies available to help support the emotion you may be experiencing.
Bach Flowers play a powerful role a Systematic Kinesiology session as Kinesiology recognises that physical symptoms often stem from an emotional stress and trauma. In a session the Bach Flowers are used on a subtle, energetic level to facilitate emotional healing identified by your body.
Contact Ballinrobe Holistic Care on 087 7764380, and together we can help identify which Bach remedy may support you on your healing journey.
You can order a remedy bottle via this link / distant session

Gift vouchers available for all treatments.
Gift voucher also available for Baby Massage class or classes.
This is a perfect present for a New arrival to benefit from infant massage but also for parents to meet other new parents. With this voucher you have the option to cover the 5 week course of infant massage or to contribute towards the cost of a course of infant massage